The full-day closure of Heathrow Airport had a profound impact on travelers. Over 200 flights were cancelled, stranding ...
Viper-ST is an independent pole operated (IPO) recloser that combines the time proven reliability of electronically ...
All of Youngstown’s gloves that are labeled as fire-resistant work gloves have been tested in third party laboratories and passed both the ASTM D6413 as well as the European EN 407. These are simple ...
Medium & High Voltage Circuit Breaker Maintenance - This 12-hour (2 Day) live online training course is designed for engineers and technicians from utilities or industries who participate in the ...
A key differentiator of the Youngstown winter line is the waterproof technology found in our gloves. Between the rugged outer-shell of the glove and the innermost ...
In case of extreme or exceptional pollution, it may become necessary to wash glass and porcelain insulators to reduce the risk of flashover due to critical deposit of pollution. In 2004, Sediver ...
The Sediver Research Center houses the most advanced laboratories where our experts perform the broadest range of testing from electrical, material, pollution, mechanical, aging... so that we never ...
Smart'R Suite: Pollution monitoring made real Due to increasing constraints, there is a growing need to improve the reliability of existing transmission lines and increase line service rate. Our Smart ...
Collections of the articles on electrical safety and arc flash in particular including a review of OSHA’s new electric power generation, transmission, and distribution and electrical protective ...
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The Alberta government has announced significant strides in its electricity market reforms, unveiling a new plan that aims to enhance energy reliability and affordability for consumers. This ...
Achieving energy efficiency while maintaining power quality in variable frequency drives is examined in this 92+ page handbook through such articles as Control Arrangements for an Adjustable Frequency ...