After two recent major recalls for organic walnuts and ground beef found to be potentially contaminated with E. coli, interest in symptoms and prevention for the disease is on the rise. E.
E. coli outbreaks are fairly common, with an estimated 265,000 illnesses and 100 deaths each year in the US. But this bacteria, and the illness they cause, aren't something to take lightly.
E. coli bacteria could be used to create biodegradable plastics, reports a paper published in Nature Chemical Biology. The ...
“E. coli is a bug that we all have in our intestines,” explains Britain's leading expert on E. coli, the microbiologist Professor Hugh Pennington. “The vast majority of the hundreds of ...
Several people have been hospitalized with E. coli from a popular McDonald's product. According to the Centers for Disease Control, 49 people across 10 states have become sick after they ate a ...
I have said this too many times. In the 1990’s ninety percent of the work I did were E. coli O157:H7 cases linked to hamburger. However, due to the ...
The E. coli discovered in this study has attracted attention as a new pathogenic E. coli that does not fall into any existing category. In the future, as the clarification of the properties of ...
Latvian public health officials have reported 12 recent E. coli infections with mostly children sick. The Center for Disease Prevention and Control (SPKC) ...
In this week’s Angler News SA podcast, we look at E. coli contamination issues affecting fishing spots like Durban Harbour ...