The Royal Navy and RAF have been shadowing Russian warships as they sail through British waters for the third time in six ...
There have been renewed calls for a memorial in London for the unsung heroes of clandestine WWII RAF unit in which a ...
The UK’s RAF has confirmed that its historic Hurricane and Spitfire warbirds will return to airshow flying duties in 2025 ...
“They were kind of scattered, and what we wanted to be able to do is have a consolidated squadron based out of San Antonio that is a direct report to the AFRS commander,” Amrhein said.
RAF Honington in Suffolk is home to some 1600 personnel including RAF, Army and MOD Civil Servants and Contractors. The Station provides a home for the Headquarters responsible for delivery of RAF ...
Kendall at the time noted the decision announced a year ago to base a new squadron of 12 KC-46A Pegasus refueling tankers at the Selfridge base was in part because of the planned divestiture of ...
The US Air Force ’s Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron Fly Away Security Teams (FAST) provide an essential layer of security for aircraft and personnel operating from sites where infrastructure ...
Although there does not appear to be any official announcement as yet, The Royal Yacht Squadron’s website has just been updated to reflect Athena Racing as their representative for the next America’s ...
The core to RAF Boulmer's operations is its Air Surveillance and Control System (ASACS), which is used to defend UK airspace and train for contingent operations. Number 19 Squadron provides operations ...
Peugeot now says its compressed air hybrid powertrain can get almost 100 miles per gallon and one that's built into a Peugeot 208 hatchback will start rolling off production lines by 2015 at the ...