"Seeing Beyond the Surface: Body Image and Eating Disorders" explores the impact of societal pressures on body image and eating habits. Learn about the signs of eating disorders and discover resources ...
There are at least 13,000 species of lichens living throughout the world. Lichen species are so numerous and diverse that there are individual exceptions to most general statements about them.
The most important factor in planning a vegetable garden is location. Choose a site with full sun, good drainage and no standing water, even after the heaviest rain. Keep the garden away from trees ...
Changlu Wang, Extension Specialist in Entomology George Hamilton, Extension Specialist in Pest Management, Rutgers University The most common species is the black carpenter ant. It is among the ...
Kate Brown, Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent, Somerset County Stephen Komar, Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent, Sussex County Michelle Infante-Casella, Agriculture and Natural Resources ...
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Staking and weaving is a highly specialized production system used by commercial tomato growers. It is a system that can easily be adapted for home garden use. Some advantages of staking are improved ...
The term native plant is fluid and can have many different meanings. In general, native plants are species that were present at the beginning of the European settlement of North America. These plants ...
One of the most widely distributed waterfowl species in the United States is the Canada goose (Branta canadensis). Due to habitat loss and overexploitation in the 19th and early 20th century, the ...
White grubs (WG) damage turf by chewing off roots close to the soil surface. The voracious feeding of the larger late 2nd and 3rd stage grubs, when combined with hot and dry conditions, can result in ...
Crabgrass (Digitaria spp.) is a true annual in the northeastern United States (Figure 1). Seeds germinate in the spring and seedlings grow rapidly throughout the summer as a warm-season (C 4) plant.
FS033 New Jersey Forest Stewardship Series: Wildlife Food Plots Practice Standards (4 pp.) 2/9/2004 FS034 New Jersey Forest Stewardship Series: Build Bird Nest Boxes Practice Standards (4 pp.) ...