If you're staying in North Texas during Frisco ISD's Spring Break, there’s no shortage of family-friendly activities to fill ...
While Frisco has been adding new shopping options, Whole Foods brings a new upscale addition for the growing number of locals ...
Frisco Police Department's employee critical incident policy led to the Texas Rangers being asked to investigate the shooting ...
Frisco police said Monday that one of its officers was forced to open fire on a man last week because he allegedly pointed a ...
FRISCO, Texas — Officers with the Frisco Police Department were involved in a shooting Thursday evening, the department ...
Police in Frisco were serving felony warrants for a man and a woman in a gate community. A man pointed a gun at officers, ...
The city of Frisco will celebrate the arrival of spring with its annual Festival of Colors on March 15, in collaboration with ...
StreetLights Residential, a Dallas-based multifamily and mixed-use developer, is a partner on the project. Additional ...
The Texas Rangers are investigating a shooting involving Frisco police officers that took place Thursday night in a gated ...
Frisco police officers shot and killed 43-year-old Gregory Sheppard while serving a felony warrant at his home last Thursday.
Learn more about the candidates running for the Place 2 seat on Frisco's City Council ahead of the May 3 election.
The Philadelphia-based investor bought an apartment complex in Frisco as the first purchase for its value-add fund.