Abraham Lincoln changed the course of history not through brute assertion of power but by wrestling with its limits.
The emancipation of a million serfs in Xizang is a profound event in human history and a significant milestone in the history ...
When history records the work of those who were abolitionists, the participation and contributions of free people of color is ...
Ahead of the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade on March 24, the ...
Puerto Rico commemorates Emancipation Day, a historical milestone that marks the abolition of slavery on the island.
The liberation of serfs in Xizang was a historic step taken by the Communist Party of China. Given that many European and ...
The sport of boxing, more than any other athletic pursuit, has transformed men who at one point of their lives were seemingly incorrigible.
Richard Kreitner's "Fear No Pharoah" gives an honest account of how Jews resisted, ignored and even championed American ...
The effort may succeed, for an Emancipation party is an exotic in a modern Slave State; and the party in Missouri is not only young, but has intestine strifes that unfortunately impair its energies.
Slavery was a common and ubiquitous part of life on the grounds that would become Conyers’ alma mater, Yorktown High School ...
As we prepare to welcome spring (March 20) and Passover (April 12) and Easter (April 20). I offer up a prayer for remembering how our spring holidays divide us and unite us and how springtime makes ...