The St. Patrick’s Day 5K held March 16 in Santa Rosa brought together participants of all ages for a fun-filled run/walk.
Streaming on Apple TV+. These Black heroines—Rosa Parks, Nina Simone, Toni Morrison, Shirley Chisholm, Venus and Serena ...
Removing Jackie Robinson’s military record puts Donald Trump in the same company with every white ballplayer who ever threw ...
Thank you for the enjoyable article recalling Rosa Parks’ visit to Yakima. There was, for me, one glaring omission. Many ...
Jackie Robinson Day? It’s going, going, almost gone. Major League Baseball officials are scared of new governmental mandates ...
Gray recalled the last time he spoke to longtime friend U.S. Rep. John Lewis about a week before Lewis' death. Lewis was ...
Church-led campaigns against businesses for retreating from D.E.I. promises are a form of pastoral ministry for those who ...
I didn’t buy this house to sell for a profit. I wanted to make this my home,” said Ethel R. Lawrence, who fended off ...
Aretha Franklin's Rose Estate, a gorgeous 1927 home, is situated along the ninth hole of the Detroit Golf Club in the Palmer ...
It was very difficult to keep going when all our efforts seemed in vain,” Rosa Parks described her work in the 1940s and ...
Experiments I’ve conducted suggest that Americans regularly comply with advice even when they know it is bad. In a series of ...