In this week’s Parma Heights Police Blotter, , a concerned Beverly Drive animal lover called police about a large hawk caught ...
As we are getting into spring, some people may be worried about birds of prey hunting for their small animals. Pets, ...
Massachusetts lawmakers want to restrict a type of rat poison that is particularly dangerous to birds, pets and wildlife.
In this week's segment of Turtle Bay Tuesday, Preston Donion met up with Sharon Clay and Orion, a Swainson's Hawk training to ...
Baltimoreans love to share stories of wildlife sightings. It can all seem natural and normal, especially in the greener areas ...
State Rep. James K. Hawkins is sponsoring a bill to ban certain rodenticides to help save other wildlife. (No, we didn't make ...
Wildlife advocates celebrated Friday’s release of a red-tailed hawk that had been treated for rat poisoning for the past four ...
BOSTON, Massachusetts (WBZ) — Massachusetts lawmakers want to restrict a type of rat poison that is particularly dangerous to birds, pets and wildlife. One hawk spent fourth months recovering ...