Safety concerns dominated the conversation Thursday at the first public input meeting for the North Dunn Street multiuse ...
Multiple roads throughout the Wabash Valley will be closed for work, which could cause Hoosiers to find alternate routes to ...
The county roads leading up to the Heidelberg Materials cement and bioprocessing factory will soon get some upgrades.
Work will take place on U.S. 50 between State Road 350 and Dutch Hollow Road. (Aurora, Ind.) - A pavement rehabilitation project on U.S. 50 west of Aurora is scheduled to begin on or after April 1 in ...
(Dearborn County, IN) – INDOT contractor Paul H. Rohe Company is scheduled to begin a pavement rehabilitation project in ...
The St. Joseph County Department of Infrastructure, Planning, and Growth announce Strawberry Road between S.R. 2 and Gordon Road will close starting on March 31.