The fine weather continued at Franciacorta for the WSK Super Master Series heats and most categories were highly competitive.
She was standing outside a 10-by-14-foot cabin on Stemple Pass Road that had no running water and no electricity. Its only tenant went by the name Theodore "Ted" Kaczynski.
Kiedy okazało się, że niewyładowane w Mostach miny trafiły do cywilnego magazynu IKEA, zorganizował błyskawiczną akcję odzyskania niebezpiecznego ładunku. A mimo to, to on wraz z grupą ...
His book club had fizzled when Mangione left the island in July, but one of the last books they’d read was the 35,000-word manifesto of Ted Kaczynski, also known as the Unabomber, who killed ...
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Launched in 2005 as the first sub-$500 Mac — a key in attracting "switchers" from Windows PCs — the Mac mini (now $799 and up from the Apple Store) was most recently redesigned in late 2018.
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Marta Kaczyńska, córka Marii i Lecha Kaczyńskich, którzy zginęli w katastrofie lotniczej w Smoleńsku, doczekała się trojga dzieci. Jej starsza córka, Ewa, studiuje w Korei na prestiżowym ...