The end of history, it seems, is marked not by an ever-widening embrace of liberal democracy and free markets, but by the ...
Acclaimed author and professor Francis Fukuyama discusses his seminal works “Trust” and “The End of History” and how they ...
American political scientist Francis Fukuyama’s 1992 book, The End of History and the Last Man, is still remembered for its ...
It turns out that Vladimir Lenin and REM were right. Francis Fukuyama was wrong. In 1921, during the Soviet Union’s New Economic Policy period, Lenin is supposed to have exclaimed that “The ...
There is no chance of the resurrection of communism. However, the democratic socialism that emerged as the repudiation of ...
The China versus US competition, dubbed the new Cold War, is two branches of capitalism, viz. authoritarian and democratic, ...
It turns out that Vladimir Lenin and REM were right. Francis Fukuyama was wrong. In 1921, during the Soviet Union’s New Economic Policy period, Lenin is supposed to have exclaimed that “The ...
Francis Fukuyama’s signature post-Cold War idea – that we’ve arrived at the “end of history” – is often criticized as being laughably wrong in light of subsequent events. As communist ...
The assault on Enlightenment values is tearing both Europe and America apart.