April and May are months that are hot, humid, yet so charmingly awaited. The days of these months were once as sweet as misty ...
Workers who want to outsmart AI need to skip office work and look for so-called dirty jobs. Positions like electrician, plumber, welder and mechanic can pay six figures, too.
This winter has turned into an explosion of new companies and jobs being announced in the WestGate area near Crane. Since the first of the year, Daviess County has begun work with Amentum on a new ...
A Senate bill that aims to prevent abuse of minors in West Virginia’s residential treatment programs has backing from Paris ...
For a century, the Kiwanis Club of State College has been dedicated to improving the lives of children and youth in Centre County. In honor of its 100th year of community service, the Centre County ...
For decades, a college diploma came to be seen as the golden ticket to success. Parents have urged (or forced) their children ...
LHHS and ICHS Class of 1955 will meet for lunch at noon at Haywoods in Mill Hall. — Schenck’s Cemetery annual meeting at 10 a.m. at Howard United Methodist Church. All lot owners and those interested ...
Accepting instability intimidates Gen X, but Gen Z has no problem handling how quickly the world is changing. For Gen Z, ...
So they took an intensive nine-month coding boot camp and started applying for tech jobs. After they got rejected from ...
One childless man’s journey through the sci-fi start-ups, DIY donor clubs, and group masturbation retreats attempting to save ...
The Jaecoo 7 is the latest Chinese car to arrive in the UK. The brand hopes its extra space will appeal to buyers of smaller ...