A blizzard notwithstanding, the stark change in weather couldn’t have been more perfect for Lifeline’s production of “Leaf," ...
Depending on your mood and disposition, the magical ending of this play might make you roll your eyes. But I always find it ...
4 16 (Dance Center of Columbia College) Red Clay Dance Company’s return to the Dance Center includes a restaging of “Written ...
Richard Brinsley Sheridan’s classic late eighteenth century biting satire of the idle rich is given a fresh reboot.
Double Freedom from Tyranny: A Review of "Fidelio" at Lyric Opera and "Leonora" at Chicago Opera Theater It is a rare and ...
The theme of the spring performance series at the Museum of Contemporary Art is “Lineages.” Gutierrez speaks about how the ...
Teatro La Plaza’s "Hamlet" is nearly entirely about the actors themselves, framed by the playwright’s agitprop on their ...
Themes of isolation and sexuality combine with light body horror in “Pussy Sludge,” by Gracie Gardner and running through ...