The year: 1861. The problem: Pro-slavery states had broken away from the Union, rising up in armed revolt as the treasonous ...
Seventy Black Union military members who fought in the Civil War will be memorialized in a monument planned for Rocky Mount in Franklin County, Virginia.
The Civil War was an extremely divisive time in American history that split the North and South into the Union and the ...
For 250 years, the US Army has adapted as a living organization composed of operating units and institutional organizations ...
"Lincoln’s Peace" examines the difficulty in turning wartime victory into solving the political and social problems that led ...
Many Americans are proud of their ancestry, most being able to trace family trees back to a certain country, a certain event, ...
Affiliate: ACLU of Washington, D.C. WASHINGTON — The American Civil Liberties Union, Democracy Forward ... and remove citizens of a foreign country that is engaged in a “declared war” or “invasion or ...
New Civil War research armed with more data gives the fullest picture yet of not just the overall death toll but its disproportionate impact on the South, including Georgia.
But in a long section involving the trial of a murderous representative of the Union Army, which demonstrates war crimes committed by both sides, the dense blocks of text diminish the drama.