Terry Bogard in "Fatal Fury 2" (VG) (Japanese) Terry Bogard in "Fatal Fury 3" (VG) (Japanese) Terry Bogard in "Fatal Fury Special" (VG) (Japanese) Terry Bogard in "Fatal Fury: Wild Ambition" (VG ...
Much like Terry Bodgard, she's one of the faces of SNK fighting games, appearing in several in-house releases (the Fatal Fury and The King ... a punch button for a hair longer than usual (it's ...
Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves base roster includes 17 fighters with Terry Bogard, Rock Howard, and Ken and Chun-Li from Street Fighter. A leak reveals more base roster and DLC characters for the ...
The roster also includes Street Fighter’s first-ever guest characters: Terry Bogard and Mai Shiranui from the Fatal Fury series. The remaining two DLC fighters are M. Bison and Elena, returning ...