Stephen Mulhern patiently spent half an hour waiting ... In the clip, he can be seen with his face and hands painted green as he played Elphaba to Holly's Glinda in their Wicked themed costumes ...
Yet, it's Barton's off-screen past with Stephen Mulhern, known for presenting Dancing ... On an EastEnders fan page on Facebook, one user expressed their surprise, commenting, "Didn't realise ...
Off-screen, however, fans are just now learning about Barton's past relationship with Stephen Mulhern, the face of popular shows like Dancing on Ice and Catchphrase. The pair met during a 2008 ...
EastEnders fans have been left open-mouthed after realising a soap legend used to date Stephen Mulhern. Actress Emma ... On an EastEnders Facebook fan page, referring to the pair, one person ...