South Korea's acting president thanks court for restoring his powers and says he'll attend to the most urgent matters ...
A convoy of tractors and trucks rolled into southern Seoul on Tuesday, as members of the Korean Peasants League held a ...
SEOUL – The Constitutional Court of Korea on Monday dismissed the impeachment of suspended Prime Minister Han Duck-soo in a ...
SEOUL -- South Korea's monthslong political crisis continues to limp along, leading to acts of antagonism between rival ...
South Korea’s Constitutional Court’s reinstatement of Han Duck-soo as prime minister yesterday, overturning his impeachment, ...
South Korea's top court reinstated Han Duck-soo as acting president as he pledged to focus on steering the nation through a U ...
South Korean Prime Minister Han Duck-soo has been reinstated as the acting president as the Constitutional Court overturned ...
South Korea's constitutional court has struck down the impeachment of the country's Prime Minister Han Duck-soo.