Ken Kutaragi, the co-creator of the original PlayStation, just revealed he has a very rare Nintendo PlayStation console in ...
PlayStation co-creator Ken Kutaragi still owns one of the fabled Nintendo PlayStation prototypes, it has emerged.
Ken Kutaragi, father of PlayStation, has a prototype of the Nintendo PlayStation in his closet: it was believed that only one unit had survived.
Ken Kutaragi, a key figure in developing the PlayStation, has kept a rare 'Nintendo PlayStation' prototype in a closet for decades.
The unit discovered in 2015 was believed to be the only surviving example, and fetched a healthy $360,000 at auction. A ...
A former Sony PlayStation head revealed that he owns a Nintendo PlayStation prototype that was laying around in his closet.
The Entertainment Software Association has unveiled the Accessible Games Initiative, which aims to help people understand ...
In theory a constant stream of solar power, stored within the controller's battery, would help prevent the controller from ...
Now, we're not normally ones to get all that envious, but come on! Former Sony executive Shawn Layden recently told Eurogamer ...
PlayStation Plus is a great service and still better than Nintendo Switch Online, even with its many improvements.
Takes you closer to the games, movies and TV you love Issues delivered straight to your door or device Sony launched a fully ...