At any moment in history, the smartest dog breeds have served as more than man's best friend: They've been navigators and ...
Everyone thinks their dog is the smartest (and they're not necessarily wrong!), but there's actually a science-backed list of the smartest dog breeds ranked by cognitive ability. Dr. Stanley Coren, a ...
With this in mind, we've put together a list of the smartest dog breeds. While none of these dogs will be bringing home a degree any time soon, they are generally whip-sharp working breeds who ...
From the use of tools to experiencing emotions and even complex problem-solving, here are 10 of the smartest animals found in ...
These high energy dogs were bred for pulling sleds and require intense exercise and attention to prevent destructive behavior ...
Hence, it's no surprise they are considered among the smartest breeds. These dark-coated companions are deemed loyal and dedicated, always ready to learn something new. Also known as the ...
She cautioned that working and herding breeds are often seen as the brightest canine companions, but they may not always be the best fit for family life. Nevertheless, the "smartest" breeds can ...
Border collies are one of the world’s smartest dog breeds, and this video showcases that. These dogs are intelligent enough to decipher hundreds of commands with almost human-like recognition. Their ...