The increasing influence of anti-pluralist parties is often associated with lower academic freedom in the respective country. This is one of the findings of the latest Academic Freedom Index (AFI) ...
The Heritage Foundation's Index of Economic Freedom covers 12 freedoms—from property rights to financial freedom—in 186 countries. Each freedom is graded on a scale of 0 to 100 and a country ...
Academic freedom is a universal right and fundamental for quality higher education and scientific progress. "There are many self-commitments by states and institutions to uphold and safeguard academic ...
Japan ranked 68th among 180 countries and regions in the 2023 World Press Freedom Index released on May 3 by Reporters Without Borders, an international nonprofit organization. According to the ...
Bangladesh scored 45 out of 100 in the Global Freedom Score, gaining five points over last year, according to Washington-based pro-democracy research group Freedom House. In its annual "Freedom in ...