You can read part one here. The word “neoconservative” was coined by Michael Harrington and the editors of Dissent to describe their old friends who’d moved to the right. It was an insult ...
Staussians, on the other hand, profit from neoconservative largesse. Gottfried writes that the Straussians “have benefited from the neoconservative ascendency by gaining access to ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin's war on Ukraine has disillusioned many of the hope of a new era, a time free of great wars, on autopilot toward liberalization. But war is a fact of nature.
But the neoconservative label distorts more than it reveals. As Inigo Montoya from The Princess Bride might say to all of these people, “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what ...
The journalist Irving Kristol once remarked that a neoconservative is "a liberal who was mugged by reality." Like many early ...
Where White House and neoconservative agendas coincided precisely in the invasion of Iraq, they are now clearly in conflict. While it has not happened yet, there is the possibility that our effort ...
Ben Wattenberg: As this argument has gotten rancorous, there is also an undertone that says that these neoconservative hawks, that so many of them are Jewish. Is that valid and how do you handle that?