An object eight times the mass of Jupiter may have swooped around the sun, coming superclose to Mars' present-day orbit before shoving four of the solar system's planets onto a different course.
Gaia-4b is considered a super-Jupiter planet, a relatively cold gas giant, orbiting its star over 570 Earth-days. That star ...
In our solar system, Jupiter is the biggest planet at 88,846 miles in equatorial diameter — the distance through the planet from one side to the other at its equator — and a mass of 1,898 × ...
According to a pre-print research paper, which is yet to be peer-reviewed, an object 8 times the mass of Jupiter—which itself is 318 times greater than Earth's mass—may have swept through our ...
The hot Jupiter WASP-132, with a mass just under half that of Jupiter, orbits its star in just over seven Earth days. The super-Earth, with around six times the mass of the Earth, orbits the star ...
The current exoplanet census contains 5,832 confirmed candidates, with more than 7,500 still awaiting confirmation. Of those that have been confirmed, most have been gas giants ranging from ...
A new study suggests that a close encounter with a massive interstellar object, possibly eight times the mass of Jupiter, may have significantly altered the orbits of the four outer planets in our ...
The hot Jupiter orbits its star in seven days and three hours; the super-Earth (a rocky planet six times the mass of the Earth) orbits the star in just 24 hours and 17 minutes; and the icy giant ...
It contains a Hot Jupiter that orbits its star in seven days and three hours; a Super-Earth (a rocky planet six times the mass of the Earth) that orbits the star in just 24 hours and 17 minutes ...