Marek's disease can be pervasive in chicken houses. Chickens infected by this highly contagious viral disease often develop ...
An avian influenza vaccine for layers, broilers, and practical for farmers was developed thanks to innovative technology ...
Marek's disease (MD) is a T-cell lymphoma of chickens induced by a herpesvirus, the Marek's disease virus. Since MD is a significant economic problem to the poultry industry, there is great ...
VAXXITEK ® HVT+IBD+H5 is a new trivalent vaccine for poultry that offers protection against Marek’s disease, Infectious Bursal Disease and H5 avian influenza in just one shot. H5 avian ...
Witter, R. L., Burgoyne, G. H., and Solomon, J. J., Avian Dis. (in the press). Biggs, P. M., Churchill, A. E., Rootes, D. G., and Chubb, R. C., Perspectives in ...
The research program of Dr. Parcells is focused on the molecular virology of Marek’s disease virus (MDV), a T-lymphoma causing virus of chickens, Zika virus (human flavivirus associated with ...
VAXXITEK® HVT+IBD+H5 is a new trivalent vaccine for poultry that offers protection against Marek’s disease, Infectious Bursal Disease and H5 avian influenza in just one shot. H5 avian influenza is a ...