Forest fires, some natural and some human caused, have burned away vital macaque habitat. Changing land use resulting from human activity in and out of protected areas—such as deforestation in ...
OTHER FACTS: Many bird species sport colors that attract mates; rhesus macaques are one of the few mammal species that do.
Strict regulations should be enforced to prohibit food provisioning and littering in macaque habitats. Steps should be taken to provide a safe and natural habitat to LTMs by expanding and ...
Le genre Macaca compte à ce jour 21 espèces et de nombreuses sous-espèces. Le statut d'espèce ou de sous-espèce est souvent sujet à caution chez les macaques, a fortiori puisqu'ils sont tous ...
Rhesus macaques feel joy and sadness, love and fear. In their natural habitat, monkeys can be playful and silly, but also determined and loyal. These primates love to climb and swim. Mothers nurse ...