But that wasn't always the case. The legendary Sohei warrior monks of medieval Japan were quite the opposite of the image of ...
The monk’s name was Gishin Yamashita, who was stationed in an Imperial Japanese Army unit on the Goto island chain in Nagasaki Prefecture when the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on Aug. 6 ...
The first Japanese recorded to have set foot in Tibet was a monk, in 1900, seeking a purer version of Buddhism than the one in his homeland. What remained unclear was the route Ekai Kawaguchi ...
Kanho Yasukuji, a Japanese Zen monk and musician, started to blend Buddhism and music and released his music piece featuring Heart Sutra in 2016. His performance was broadcast via YouTube in 2017 ...
SWAT: Junsei Terasawa, a prominent Buddhist monk from Japan, on Sunday emphasised the profound historical and cultural connections between the ancient region of Gandhara and Japan, particularly in ...
After two years of rigorous training, Nishimura became a monk and now combines that role with his makeup career. In contrast to many major religions, Japanese Buddhism has no opposition to LGBTQ.
Surveys the major works and authors of medieval Japanese (poetry, prose, and drama) from the Kamakura and Muromachi periods (1185--1600). Taught in English. Recommended prereq., JPNS 1051. For ...