The story of humanity’s pursuit of knowledge spans millennia, from the earliest grasp of mathematical principles to modern explorations of the cosmos. The Ishango Bone, a 20,000-year-old artifact ...
The History of Mathematics Research Group studies the origins and development of mathematical ideas and methods from the beginnings of recorded history—in all societies and cultures. Research in this ...
origins of modern mathematics, analytic geometry, the history of calculus. Also covers the transition to the twentieth century and contemporary perspectives.
Now I have found better ways and means to serve God, and to be useful to others.” Though few remember Agnesi today, her pioneering role in the history of mathematics serves as an inspiring story of ...
Pi Day was first celebrated in 1988 at San Francisco's Exploratorium, a museum of science and technology that encourages visitors to be hands-on.
Pi Day is an annual celebration of the mathematical constant π (pi), observed on March 14 (3/14). According to NASA, the first official Pi Day celebration was in 1988. It was organized by physicist ...
It is for all who care for the historical aspect of science; it is for all lovers of Greek, for mathematics is a true “Legacy of Greece,” and is interwoven through and through with Greek ...
This course is available with permission to General Course students. This course surveys the development of mathematics from the beginning of history with an emphasis on its relation with the ...