Cerberus, the hound of Hades, was the three-headed guard dog of the Underworld. He was Hades’s beloved pet, entrusted with guarding the gates of the realm of the dead.
F or his final task, Eurystheus ordered Heracles to go to the Underworld and bring back Cerberus, the three-headed guard dog of Hades. To enter Hades’s realm, Heracles underwent initiation into ...
Can you pet the dog? Yes, you can pet Cerberus, the three-headed hound of hell, in "Hades." Give Cerberus enough head pats, and you can even unlock a special achievement. Check out the popular ...
The first exhibit is a New York Times piece with Cerberus co-founder Stephen Feinberg, coming off almost as The Man Would Would Be Iacocca. Now that the crime is over, the verdict issued and the ...