On the eve of the presidential election in November, I traveled with my wife and grandson to visit Gettysburg National ...
Whether you’re interested in the Civil War or just looking for a scenic ... Today, the park all but surrounds the town of Gettysburg and features 1,300 monuments, 400 cannons and nearly 150 historic ...
The February meeting of the Civil War Round Table of Gettysburg featured primo Licensed Battlefield Guide/author/podcaster James Hessler speaking to the July 2,1863, fight of Brigadier General Andrew ...
Looking for a unique place to stay in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania? Check out these five surprising local Airbnb properties.
In addition to offering demonstrations with Civil War historians at Gettysburg National Military Park's battlefield every weekend from April through October, visitors can enjoy alfresco dining at ...
The building is also home to several fee-based amenities, including the Gettysburg Museum of the Civil War, theaters that show a film narrated by Morgan Freeman and the expansive Battle of ...
The Baladerry Inn was originally built in 1812 as a farmhouse and, as with many buildings in Gettysburg, it served as a field hospital during the Civil War. As you can imagine, a field hospital ...
"Incidents of the war: A harvest of death." The three days of conflict at Gettysburg resulted in 51,000 casualties, making it the bloodiest battle of the Civil War. Courtesy: Library of Congress ...