Paleontologist Anthony Romilio looked at three rock slabs bearing footprints. Most of the footprints come from one slab, ...
The 700–1,300 feet-wide space rock deformed rocks more than six miles from the impact site when it hit 600 million years ago.
Led by Curtin University geologists Chris Kirkland and Tim Johnson, a research team unearthed this primeval crater beneath ...
At the top of the world, there is a sea—the remains of one, at least. The summit rocks of Mount Everest, the highest ...
There are several old buildings in Kingman that were constructed with natural stone. The Bonelli House, the old court house, ...
The discovery of a massive crater formed by the impact of a meteorite more than 3.5 billion years ago is changing the way ...
We are at a critical time and supporting climate journalism is more important than ever. Science News and our parent organization, the Society for Science, need your help to strengthen ...
"Given how rare such evidence is due to [Earth's] geological recycling processes, this is a major breakthrough in ...
Ukraines minerals have become central to global geopolitics, with the US president, Donald Trump, seeking a deal with ...