Checking the condition of your disc-brake pads should be a regular part of servicing your bike. For example, when you ch ...
Keeping a vehicle's braking system in top condition is essential for safety, performance and peace of mind. Worn-out brake ...
Air in the brake system can make your brake pedal feel spongy and vague. You should flush the fluid every two or three years, ...
According to a recently published research paper, the particulates from the wheelhouse are worse than those from the tailpipe ...
A new British study suggests that microscopic particles from brake pads could be more toxic than emissions from diesel engines. This finding raises concerns about vehicle pollution, even as the ...
A study has found microscopic particles emitted from certain types of commonly fitted brake pads can be more toxic than those found in diesel vehicle exhaust. A study by the University of ...
Researchers have raised concerns about toxic emissions from car brake pads. The study found brake emissions could be more harmful than diesel fumes. Even EVs pollute via their brakes, though they ...
However, a recent study finds that the dust generated by brake pads is worse for your health than exhaust fumes. Published in the United Kingdom in February 2025, the study analyzes the impact of ...
After long wait got my Sparks plugs and Ignition coils replaced. And for using on track got my Brake's done.1. Brake Kraft ...
However, our latest research shows that dust from brake pads could be more harmful to our lungs. We grew cells in the lab to mimic the lining of the lung, and exposed these cells to both brake ...