Providence has a brand-new tool that is patching up potholes all throughout the city, and the way it works is actually quite ...
As temperatures start to warm up, more potholes are being filled across Indianapolis. Indy DPW says hot mix plants are slowly ...
Researchers from Swansea University and King’s College London are working to eradicate potholes from our modern ...
With winter melting away, potholes blossom into larger craters as the crew from Brattleboro Public Works Department works to ...
SOUTH BEND, Ind. (WNDU) - It’s not every day you see the mayor filling potholes on South Bend’s southeast side, but that was ...
City crews used a temporary material or “cold patch” to fill potholes due to the temperature of the pavement. Once asphalt ...
BRIDGEPORT, W.Va (WDTV) - The West Virginia Division of Highways is gearing up to start their annual springtime war on ...
Indy DPW workers fill potholes “We have had a more harsh ... That quick fix is normally a different type of asphalt mix. In the winter months, typically crews have to use a cold-mix asphalt ...