So, let's take a look at four possible signs you're actually allergic to booze. Dr Cunningham warns that alcohol may cause blood vessels to dilate, which can lead to 'flushed or red skin'.
Sue Quinn explores the telltale signs of intolerances and allergies ... sulphite wines will contain some sulphites. “A true allergy to alcohol is rare,” says Dr Fiona Sim, chief medical ...
Histamines are produced from bacteria when alcohol ferments. They’re especially prevalent in red wine. Histamines are a known problem for people with allergies. This is especially true for those ...
We present the case of a woman with allergic contact dermatitis from benzyl alcohol and a brief review of allergy to this chemical.
Labels on wine, distilled spirits and malt beverages in the U.S. would be required to list alcohol content and nutritional ... follow health guidelines and avoid allergic reactions,” CSPI ...
However, owing to a lack of data, the panel was unable to reach an agreement on the safety of inhaling benzyl alcohol and its derivatives. [1] The prevalence of allergy to benzyl alcohol is unknown.