Place the hood, velvet side up, over the head draping over the back outside of the gown. The V-shape end sits at front of the neck and the longer U-shape drapes over the back. Starting just below the ...
In 1895, colleges and universities in the United States standardized the style and color of academic dress, leading to the black gowns that graduating students at CU Boulder still wear today. If ...
The tradition of wearing caps, gowns, and hoods as attire in formal academic processions and ceremonies extends back to practices in medieval Europe, when most scholars were affiliated with monastic ...
All candidates who participate in the commencement exercise must wear the university-approved academic attire. University-approved caps, gowns, tassels and hoods must be rented from the "Commencement ...
At Smith today, caps and gowns are worn at Commencement to symbolize unity and academic achievement. Academic dress is believed to have originated at medieval British universities. At Smith’s first ...
Adaptations from ecclesiastical to academic dress began in early European universities, which were founded by the church. University faculty and students wore the adapted robes for distinction and ...
The 19th century saw the top knob replaced by a tassel, and the cap become required student attire. Reminded of the square board masons used to hold mortar, students dubbed the headgear a “mortarboard ...